Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Aiken Miss Jane & Sara Auburn NY

Miss Jane & Sarah AikenBookbinders at Aldens*House: 40 OrchardAuburnNew York, 1857, 1.* see: Aldens Bookbindery / Beardsley’s1.(1857) French’s Auburn City Directory.

Aikin Robert S. Lexington KY

Robert AikinBookbinderLexingtonKentucky 1.1. (1818-1818)  Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts, vol. 24, no. 2.1998. Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts reference number: 201

Aikman William Annapolis MD

William AikmanBookbinderAnnapolis 1.1. From: Early American Bookbindings, from the collection of MichaelPapantonio, The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 1972, see entry #11 Knownactive in Annapolis in 1773-75

Aitken Jane Philadelphia PA

Jane AitkenPrinter and bookbinderPhiladelphiaPennsylvania (1801, 2.), (1802-1810) 1.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.1102. Papers pertaining to Jane Aitken’s printing business, 1801-1804, are to befound at the American Philosophical Society.3. (1802) ” Successor of Robt. fen. printer” 20 North third  : PhiladelphiaCity Directory pg. 14. Same address in 1804 pg.14. in 1805, no page number.4. (1806) 62 North Third : Philadelphia City Directory, Same address in 1807and 1808. no page number in these directories5. (1809) 71 North Third : Philadelphia City Directory, same address in 1810.

Aitken Robert Philadelphia PA

Robert Aitken  (senior and junior)Bookseller, Stationer Bookbinder 4th door from Market street, in Front street nearly opposite the London Coffee house. Philadelphia 1.b. 1735,  d.1802  City of  Philadelphia. Wills: Abstracts Book Y part 21800-1802 ( Y.708) “Robert Aitken was born in Scotland and served a regular apprenticeship witha bookbinder in Edinburgh. He came to Philadelphia in 1769  as a Bookseller;returned to Scotland the same year, and came back to Philadelphia in 1771, andfollowed the business of bookselling, and binding, both before and after therevolution. In 1774 , he became a printer”. Published one of the first Englishlanguage, Bibles printed in America Aitkin would die in 1802. Isiah Thomaspgs. 401-4021. (1771) Just arrived from Glasgow.The Pennsylvania Gazette,, 18 July 1771.2   Early American Bookbindings, from the collection of Michael Papantonio,The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 1972, Active cir,1770’s3. Front Street, afterward “in Market Street” . 1.  Catalogue of OrnamentalLeather Bookbindings Executed in America Prior to 1850, by The Grolier Club,pg.103.4.(1773) Front Street, Charles Evans American Bibliography; a ChronologicalDictionary of all Books and Pamphlets ,1639-1820. vol. 4, pg. 344.5.(1774) Bookseller, Stationer and Bookbinder. Pennsylvania Packet, June, 13, 1774.6. (1785) Printer and Bookseller, Market between Front and Second. :Philadelphia City Directory pg. 2.7. (1779 or 1780 Removed to Marker street and would remain here  until hedied: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 31, 1921, pg. 105.(1782) Printer . bookseller, bookbinder and Stationer, at Pope’s Head in Market street. The Freeman Intelligencer, Philadelphia, Septeber, 25, 17828. (1791) 12 High street (commonly called  Market street): Philadelphia City Directory pg. 11. Same address in 1793, pg. 19.(1794) 22 High street (commonly called Market street). Philadelphia City Directory pg. 2.10.(1795) Robert Aitken, junior, printer, Pearson’s Court : Philadelphia CityDirectory pg. 85.11.(1798)  Printer and Bookseller, 22 High (commonly called Market street )street AND Printer Black Horse Alley Philadelphia City Directory . Sameaddress in 1799  pg. 12. In 1800, pg 12. In 1801 pg.13. In 1802 pg. 14.12.(1802):  Senior & Co. at 22 high street Jr. still at Pearsons court.Philadelphia City Directory pg. 14 Same address for Jr. in 1803. (1813) Aitken, Robert Jr., Bookbinder, 12 Quarry. Robert Aitken Printer 81St. John Philadelphia,Directory


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