Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Aitken Robert & Son Philadelphia PA

Robert Aitken & SonPrinters and BookbindersPope’s Head, in Market street,PhiladelphiaPennsylvania 2.1.  (1787)  Printed the Account of the Taxes of Bucks County. pub. Phil. 1785.printed by Robert Aitken & Son2. (1795) Philadelphia City Directory pg. 8.3. (1795) High & Market Street.    Hannah French, “Early American Bookbindingby Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.110Not listed in 1798 see: Robert Aitken

Albright George Reading PA

George AlbrightBookbinder and Blank Book Manufacturertwo story brick house in Prince streetReadingPennsylvania 1.1.(1826) “Removal… removed… to Prince street adjoining the residence ofDaniel Rhoads, Esq. and opposite the east side of Col. John Bickel’s tavern”.Berks and Schuykill Journal, April, 22, 1826.2. (1830) South Callowhill st, “Respectfully informs the citizens of Reading,and its vicinity, that he has removed to the house immediately oppositeKepple’s Hotel, in South Callowhill-street”… Berks and Schuykill Journal,Reading Pennsylvania, Aug., 14, 1830.

Alchin George Philadelphia PA

George Alchin see: George Allchin

Alexander George W. New York NY

George W. AlexanderBookbinder108 W. 18th St.New YorkNew York (1843-1893*) 1.*Spawn 197(no date)  7 Spruce st near Nassau, “The subscriber having determined to hisespecial attention to this branch of his business would solicit the patronageof his  friends and the public”… Trade card1. The New York Times on June 22, 1893 , relates the story of a severe firethat destroyed Alexander’s Bindery, of the harrowing escape of many of thegirls and the death of one. They also state that this was one of many firesthat Alexander suffered. “Forty years ago on a Christmas Eve, hisestablishment in the old Caxton Building, at Centre and Leonard Streets, wasdestroyed, a number of girls perishing in the fire. About eight years ago hewas burned out at the Five Points, and four years ago in the Century Building,on North  Union Square.”2. Ticket in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2)prov. John & Suse Field3.(1842)65 Eleventh street(not listed as a bookbinder) New York directory, pg. 55.4.(1843) Bookbinder,23 Cottage Place. New York Directory pg. listing in 1844 directory6.(1845) 7 Spruce street. New York Directory pg. 5. Same address in 1846 pg.16, 1847 pg.247.(1848) Alexander and Johnson,Bookbinders, 7 Spruce Street. Wilson’s Business Directory of New York City. pg.258.(1849) Alexander Geo.(No Johnson) 7 spruce Street. New York Directory pg.24. Same address in 1850 pg. 17.

Alexander Hester Baltimore MD

Hester AlexanderBookbinderBaltimoreMaryland 1.1. (1819-1819) Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts, vol. 24, no. 2.1998. Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts reference number: 280


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