Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
#VALUE! #VALUE! Whichita KS

Whichta Eagle Book BinderyBookbinders97 Douglas ave between Market and Main, “Eagle Block”WhichitaKansas, (1883)1.1. M. M. Murdock & Bro. prop., Harry T. Moore foreman. Whichita Kansas, 1883City Directory, transcribed by Mary Broker. There were no bookbinders listedin the 1878 Directory. They were the only bookbinders listed in the 1883Directory, transcribed by Mary Broker. In 1885 M. M. Murdock was listed as postmaster and editor of the Daily Eagle and R. P. Murdock was listed as thebusiness manager of the Whichita Eagle. This is the only bookbindery listed inthe 1885  There were five men listed as bookbinders at Eagle: Cyrus Johnessee,Charles Ketzler, T. H. Moore (forman), R. S. Moore, R. Sexton, Directorytranscribed by Nikkel & Zimmerman2. 111 E. Douglas.  In 1888, James Lewis would be added  at the Eagle and theBeacon would be listed as a bookbindery.   Whichita Kansas, 1888 CityDirectory Directory transcribed by Bonnie Johnson.  Still at this address in1892, the last directory checked.


LeaderBookbindery220 N. MainWichtaKansas, (1891), 1.1.  Not listed in the 1889 directory. Whichta Kansas City Directory 1891.

#VALUE! #VALUE! Madison WI

Madison BinderyBookbindersMadisonWI.established in 1854 The name would change to Grimm Book Bindery in 1874 whenGottlieb Grimm bought out his partner ( name?)  and decided to add his name tothe company.  Information from; Tracy. / Grimm Book Bindery, 6880 GisholtDrive Madison, WI. 53713.                3/19/2009

#VALUE! #VALUE! Cleveland OH

Sanford & Lott       (Alfred S. Sanford & Lewis P.)Printers, Stationers, Bookbinders & Publishers87 Superior StreetClevelandOhio, (1837). 1.1. 1837, Sanford & Lott  Cleveland City Directory. Publishers of Cleveland’sfirst directory.2.  A. Ehinger was listed as a Bookbinder for Sanford & Lott (no listedresidence), Ernest Muller, (res. German Hotel), is a bookbinder for Sanford &Lott. Elkanah M. Townsend (res. Farmer’s & Mechanic’s Hotel). ThomasUmbstaetter is a bookbinder for Stanford & Lott (res. Farmer’s & Mechanic’sHotel). ibid3. (1848) 17 Superior St., and Book Dealer. This is an advertisement, a secondlisting for Sanford strictly as a bookbinder lists him as “over Book Store”Morgan Library of Ohio Imprints Name Index Series to 1850. source: Smead &Cowles’ 1848, Cleveland Business Directory. same listing in 1850.

#VALUE! #VALUE! Worcester MA

Jonathan Grout*Bookbindera few rods east of the Meeting House in DaltonDaltonMassachusetts   1.* Jonathan Grout, an early bookbinder in Worchester. Franklin Pierce Rice, “Worcester of Eighteen Hundred and Nintey-eight”, pg.791.1. (1804) “Jonathan Grout informs the Public, that he has lately commenced theBook-Binding Business”…  Sun, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, August, 7, 1804.2. (1806) near Brown’s Tavern in Dalton  “Those who may favor him with theirwork , are desired to send it soon, as he expects to remove out of the Countyin a few months.” Sun Pittsfield, Massachusetts, JJuly 5, 1806


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