Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
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Beerstecher Charles Centerville MI

![Beerstecher.jpg][1]![__beerstecher2lore.jpg][2]![beerstecher2lr.jpg][3]![beerstecher4lr.jpg][4]    Charles A BeerstecherBookbinder And Taxidermist CentrevilleMichigan 1.Charles A. Beerstecher, “Doplhe” to his family and friends, was born inSwitzerland in 1832 and came to America in 1856 via sailboat to New York. Hefirst came to Kalamazoo, Michigan where he worked in a bookbindery. He wasalso the assistant fire chief while there. Eventually he opened his ownbookbindery in Centreville. In terms of his taxidermy work, he created a largecollection of mounted birds and animals of Michigan, eight cases of which are?/ were at Kalamazoo College. He also made a collection of Indian relics andother curiosities. He was very well versed in natural history. Charles spokeseven languages and was a graduate of College of Neuville, Switzerland.![beerstecher6lr.jpg][5]![beerstecher3lr.jpg][6]   Home of Charles Adolphe and Mary Thanks to Charles Beerstecher’s great granddaughter, Patrice Cutler Marialke,for this information. Binders ticket collection ABM 00097, prov TJ [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/Beerstecher.jpg (Beerstecher) [2]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/__beerstecher2lore.jpg (__beerstecher2lore.jpg) [3]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/beerstecher2lr.jpg (beerstecher2lr.jpg) [4]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/beerstecher4lr.jpg (beerstecher4lr.jpg) [5]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/beerstecher6lr.jpg (beerstecher6lr.jpg) [6]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/513/beerstecher3lr.jpg (beerstecher3lr.jpg)

Belknap Nathaniel Boston MA

Nathaniel BelknapBookbinderHead of Scarlet’s Wharf, North EndBostonMassachusetts (1723) 1.& 2., (1733) 3.1. (1723) Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from:”Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed., 1967, pg.100. from:The GrolierClub, Catalogue of Ornamental Leather Bookbindings, pg. 93.2. J. Leander Bishop, History of American Manufacturer, pg. 191.3. (1733) still working as a bookbinder in 1733. note regarding the sale of aparcel of land a ‘Rope Walk”. Grover and da Silva, Historic Resource StudyBoston African American National Historic Site, 31 December 2002, pg. 25.4. (1735) “These are to notify the Creditors to the Estate of Mr Nathaniel Belknap, late of Boston” The Boston Gazette, September 22 1735.

Bell David W. Boston MA

David W. Bell*BookbinderCongress St.BostonMassachusetts 1.*Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed..1967, pg.100.1.  (1818) Boston city Directory. (not listed in 1816 or in 1820)

Bell J. P. & Co.,inc Lynchburg VA

J. P. Bell Co., Inc.Blank -Book Manufacturers, Printers, Stationers,  EngraversLynchburgVirginia 1.1. “BELL’S BEST BOUND made-to order BLANK-BOOKS “.   Book label, Collection ofthe Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2) prov. John & Suse Field2. No date cir. 19th century ‘Engraved’ label, illustrarion of the Bellpremises “Manufactured by J. P. Bell Lynchburg Virginia”. Book label in thecollection of the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2) prov. John &Suse Field

Bell John B. Boston MA

John B. BellBookbinderBostonMassachusetts 1.1. (1833) “Died… In Washington, D. C.  on Thursday last, Mr. John B. Bell,bookbinder, formerly of Boston, Massachusetts, and for many years past aresident of the  District of Columbia.


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