Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Blunt Edmund M. Newburyport MA

Edmund M. BluntBookseller and BookbinderNewburyportMassachusetts 1.1. (1800)  January 1. Salem Gazette, Salem, MA.2. (1801) Newburyport Bookstore…”WANTED AT THE ABOVE PLACE, Two JourneymenPrinters and two Bookbinders , to good workmen constant employment and SEVENDOLLARS per week will be given, also 2 Apprentices at the Bookbindingbusiness, Alad of 14 or 15 years old to attend the Bookstore, will meet goodencouragement.” Newburyport Herald, Newburyport, Massahusetts, March, 6 1801.3. (1801) “Notice. The Subscriber intends to leave this country on October,for some months, requests those who gave accounts open against the latecompany of Blunt and Robinson, Blunt and March or himself, to present them forsettlement.Those of his friends who will entrust him with such orders sa theymay gave for London, may depend on every attention in his power, for thefaithful discharge of the same. N.B. While absent, his Printing Bookbindingand Bookseling business & c. will be conducted by Mr. Jeremy Stickney. Edmundm. Blunt, Newburyport, July 30, 1801.”Newburyport Herald, Newburyport,Massachusetts, August, 7, 18014. (1807)  Wanted immediately, Two lads , as Apprentices” enquirer of E. M.Blunt of Joseph Burrill.: Newburyport Herald, Newburyport, Massachusetts,January, 20, 1807.

Boardman Charles Hartford CT

Charles Boardman,Book-binder,Asylum 5,Hartford,Connecticut.Geer’s Hartford Connecticut 1828 Business Directory, pg 18. 

Boate Thomas Philadelphia PA

Thomas  Boat, (Thomas Boate)BookbinderSouth street between fourth and fifthPhiladelphiaPennsylvania  1.1. (1797) Philadelphia City DirectoryNot listed in 1798 or 1799(1803) 164 Cherry : Philadelphia City Directory pg. 22.(1806)184 North North Front : Philadelphia City Directory , same address in1807  no page numbers in these directories.(1808) 133 Vine : Philadelphia City Directory. Same address in 1809. no pagenumbers same address in 1809 pg 382. (1801-1810) Boate, Thomas,133 Vine Street : Hannah French, “Early AmericanBookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. (1818, 1820) Camden, New Jersey :  French EAB. pg.110 from: (1825)Philadelphia Directory and Strangers Guide

Bockius Daniel Philadelphia PA

Daniel BockiusBookbinderPhiladelphiaPennsylvania () 1.b. 1782, in Holland where he learned bookbinding.’took part in the war of1812″.1.  Hazen, Aarpn L., History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania,1908 pg. 564.2. (?) practiced bookbinding in Philadelphia. After Philadelphia he settled inLawrence County “about one half mile above Eastbrook” ibid.

Bockus Daniel Philadelphia PA

Daniel BockusBookbinder112 10th StreetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania ( 1816,1817) 1.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.110


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