Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Cambridge Charles Boston MA

Charles CambridgeBookbinderLeveret’s LaneBostonMassachusetts.1.1. (1789) Boston City Directory pg. 15.2. not in 1800  or 1805 Directory3. (1809) Pleasant street. Boston City Directory. same listing in 18104.(1813) Elliot street. Boston City Directory5. (1809-10) Pleasant St.,   (1813) Eliot St., .  (1818) 27 North St.  /(1819) North Russell St.   Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand”from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed., 1967, pg.100.6. (1816) North Russell street. Boston City Directory (same address in 1818)not listed in 18207. (1821) rear 34 Prince street. Boston City Directory8. (1823 Ship street. Boston City Directory9. (1825) 352 Ann street.  Boston City Directory   (same listing in ’27)10. (1829) Butolph street.  Boston City Directory11. (1831) 24 Charter street.  Boston City Directory12. (1832) not listed in’32 or ’33

Cameron John Philadelphia PA

John CameronBookbinder and Stationer67,  S. Front StreetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania 1.not listed in the 1791 City Directory1. (1793) Philadelphia City Directory, pg.21(1794)  Pear street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 22. Same address in1795 pg. 163. In 1796, (8 Pear) pg. 28. In 1797, pg. 38. In 1798 pg. 32.2. (1799) 72 dock street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 29. Same addressin 1800, pg. 28. In 1801 pg. 97.3. (1809) 137 S. Front Street: Philadelphia City Directory. (no page numbers)4. (1809, 1811) 137 S. Front Street : Hannah French, “Early AmericanBookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann5. (1810) corner Lombard and Third: Philadelphia City Directory pg. 54.4.  8 Pearl street. Archives of the General Conventon, vol. II, Correspondenceof Henry Hobart,  pg. 177.

Cameron William Buffalo NY

William CameronBookbinderBuffaloNew York. 1828 1.1.  A Directory for the Village of Buffalo, L.P. Crary, from a reprint of the1828 edition  printed in the 1876 edition.2. not in  Crary, 1832, directory William Cameronsee also: R. W. HaskinsFrom: A Directory for the village of Buffalo. 1828 Crary pub. pg. 19

Camfield Joseph G. Columbus OH

Camfield, Joseph G. see notes for: Canfield, Joseph G.

Camp Ozias New York NY

Ozias CampBookbinder No. 29 Fulton streetNew YorkNew York 1.1. (1841) Five story brick building occupied by bookbindery was destroyed byfire. Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1841


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