Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Clark David Boston MA

David ClarkBookbinder4 Bartlett streetBostonMassahusettes 1.1. (1827) Boston City Directory. same listing in 1828 Not listed in 1826 or in1829.

Clark Dorus New Haven CT

Dorus ClarkBookbinderres. 38 CrownNew HavenConnecticut. 1.1. New Haven Directory for 1842-43, James Patter.

Clark E & H Middletown CT

E & H ClarkBookbindersMiddletownConnecticut 1.1. (1827) Offer $20 reward for the return of Elisha R. Ladd Apprentice 21years old. Middlesex Gazette, Middletown CT, Oct. 17, 1827.2.(1832) E. Clark, Has resumed the Book-Binding Business at the binderyformerly occupied by O. B. Beebe. (directly over the store of Mr. John Selden(?)  )  where he hopes to receive a share of the public patronage.”advertisement. Middlesex Gazette, Nov. 1832.

Clark George Boston MA

George Clark*BookbinderNo. 78 State street BostonMassachusetts (1816) 1.* Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed., 1969, pg.100. 1. (1816) “George Clark, Bookbinder Informs his Friends and the Public ingeneral, that he has removed from No. 73 State street to Congress street, overthe Paladium Office”…  Advertisement, Yankee, (Boston MA) Feb, 9, 18162. (1816) Congress St.,  Boston City Directory (not listed in 1813 or 1818)

Clark John New York NY

John ClarkbooksellerNew York(1787) John Clark Bookseller. New York City Directory pg 9John ClarkBookbinderCedar c. WilliamNew YorkNew York 1. 1.(1826) Longworth’s Directory (not in 1825 Directory)


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