Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Cusack M. B. Richmond VA

M. B. CusackBookbinderRichmondVirginia 1.1. (1818-1819)  Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts, vol. 24, no. 2.1998. Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts identification number: 8183.

Cushing Elisha Hingham MA

Elisha CushingBookbinderHinghamMassachusetts, 1853. 1.b. Hingham MA,  September 29, 1784, D. January 26, 1857  , marries 1811, LucyTirrell of Weymouth. Genealogy of The (Matthew) Cushing Family, JamesStevenson Cushing, 19051. Massachusetts Register for the year 1853, George Adams.

Cushing Henry Providence RI

Henry CushingBookstore and Circulating Library (and Bookbinder)at the Sign of he Bible and AnchorWestminster StreetProvidenceRhode Island 1.1. (1804) Providence Gazette, Providence, Rhode Island, November 24, 1804.2. (1805) “Removal, The Subscriber begs leave to Inform his Customers, and thePublic  that he has removed his BOOKSTORE and CIRCULATING  LIBRARY to… No 11Market Street, four Doors East of the Exchange Bank” Providence Gazette,Providence, Rhode Island, April, 13. 1805. note: the address may be a misprintas he would be at #10 in December, see below.3. (1805) No. 10 Market Street. Providence Gazette, Providence, Rhode IslandDecember 12, 1805.

Cushing Isaac Salem MA

Isasc CushingBookbinderSalemMassachusetts 1.b. Aug.16,1779, d. Feb. 16,18361. (1802) opposite Col. Derby’s.  Salem Imprints 1768-1825, by HarrietSilvester*Salem Imprints 1768- 18 Tapley pgs199-2001a. (1802)Bookbinding is carried on by the Subscriber in the Eastern End ofthe Brick House opposite Col. DERBY’s where all orders in that line will bethankfully received, and faithfully executed,. ISAAC CUSHING” Salem Gazette,Salem MA. February, 9, 1802.2. (1803)  In the Chamber over Mr. Sercomb’s Store, Federal Street.   SalemGazette, Salem MA., April, 1, 18033. (1806) destroyed by fire. ibid, Tapley pg 85*4. (1806-1809) Essex Street. ibid5. ( 1809, Later part) Washington Street. ibid6. (1821) corner of Essex and Washington. ibid (see also advertisement inHaverhill Gazette, Haverhill MA, Feb. 16, 1821)7. (1825) Tapley states that Cushing probably left Salem in 1825 and thatGeorge Coleman had purchased his business. ibid

Cushing John Boston MA

John CushingBookbinderNo. 1. Spring Lanerear of No. 1, CornhillBostonMassachusetts  1.(1818)  Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbindingin America” Lehmann-Haupt ed.,1967, pg.1001. (1818) Blank books with or without patent backs. Colombian Centinel (Boston) May, 6, 1818.


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