Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Dolton John Charleston Township PA

John DoltonBookbinderCharleston TownshipPennsylvania (1850)1.Dolton aged 50 (b.London), wife Elizabeth, 55 (b.London), Julia, 18 (b.London) Helen 7 (b. Pa.)  1.1.1850 Charleston Township Census. 

Doon James Philadelphia PA

James Doon BookbinderSecond near Christian stret PhiladelphiaPennsylvania.1.1. (1800) Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 42

Dorman O. A. New Haven CT

O. A. DormanBookbinder, Lithographer, and Job Printer696 Chapel Street*New HavenCT.  (1893-190?)1.* the  1880 Census is stated as the source for this address  as 696 Chapel, and the ticket mentioned  (2.) below states clearly 196 Chapel. Franklin Abbot Dorman: Thomas Dorman of Topsfield Mass. (1600-16701.  1890 New Haven Directory . Edward O. Dorman listed in the 1893 Directoryas living with his father. The company is not listed in 1910.2. 196 Chapel. Blank Book Manufacturer and Printer. A ticket in the Collectionof the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2) prov. John & Suse Field![OADorman.jpg][1]Image col. ABM prov.TJ [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/404/OADorman.jpg (O. A. Dorman)

Dorsey John Columbia SC

John DorseyBookbinderHouse Washington between Gates and LincolnColumbiaSouth Carolina. 1.1.(1859) Columbia South Carolina, City Directory.

Douglas John Boston MA

John DouglasBookbinderBostonMassachusetts (1768)1.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand’ from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed., 1967, pg. 100.2. “This Day run away from the Subscriber, an Apprentice Boy, named JohnDouglas, aged about 17 years, small, round shouldered, wears his own Hair,very much addicted to Coughing and Drinking, by Trade a Bookbinder…Whoeversecures said Run-a-way shall be handsomely rewarded, by Wm. McAlpine” TheBoston Gazette and County Journal, November 28,1768. from;  Catalogue ofOrnamental Leather Bookbindings, Grolier Club, pg. 97.


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