Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Jansen Thomas B. & Co. New York NY

Thomas B. Jansen & Co.Bookbinders150 Water st.New YorkNew York  1.1.(1799)Longworth’ City Directory,pg. 261. Also: (1800) A Complete List of the Occupations and Trades Practiced in the City, N.Y. 1800. (1801) 248 Pearl street, New York City Directory pg. 200.2. (1803) Booksellers… for sale: pasteboard, plow knivesfor bookbinding. New York Gazette, July 15, 1803.3. (1805-1806) … and Stationers, 116 Broadway. Hannah French, “EarlyAmerican Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed.1967. pg.106.

Janson George New York NY

George JansonBookbinder and stationer248 Pearl streetNew YorkNew York 11. (1803) City Directory pg. 180(1809) Bookbinder, 116 Broadway (1809)New York Directory pg.187

Janssen E. A. San Franciso CA

E. A. Janssen & Co.Bookbinders216 Sansome StreetCalifornia 1.1.San Francisco Business directory 1898. Janssen was in partnership with MortHepburn for one year in 1897. See; Hepburn & Janesson.2. 411 Market street, San Francisco Business Directory18993. Janssen Printing & binding Co. 23 Stevenson. 1900 San Francisco BusinessDirectory listings continue (except in1904) at this address until 1905. Thisarea was burned in the fire of 1906. No listings for Jassen in 1907- 1910Crocker Langley S. F. Business Directories.

January Benjamin Philadelphia PA

Benjamin JanuaryBookbinder and Stationer*Water Street a little Southward of the Draw-Bridge and next door to Mr. John Mease’sPhiladelphiaPennsylvania. 1.* ‘Benjamin January, Bookbinder and Stationer, Bookbinding in all its branches.. Account books made and ruled to any pattern’. Advertisement in the Pennsylvania Gazette, April 27,1774. also: Trade cards of The American Antiquarian SocietyB. January married Hannah Langdale the the first Baptist Church 16 March 1775.Roach, Hanna Banner, “Colonial Philadelphia”, pg.190 1.(1773) “he has lately opened his shop on Water Street” the Pennsylvania Packet, August 9, 1773.(1785) Front Street between Chestnut and Market : Philadelphia CityDirectory: pg. 38.2. (1794) South Second street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 77.  Sameaddress in 1795, pg.  119.  Address in 1796,  (77 South Second street) pg 95.3. (1775) B. January married Hannah Langdale  at the the first Baptist Church 16 March, 1775. Roach, Hanna Banner, “Colonial Philadelphia”, pg.190(1783)In Front Street nearly opposite the Coffee House. The Pennsylvania Packet, June 5, 1783.(1786)”in Front Street, at the sign of the Bible and Dove and Between Walnut-street and the Draw-Bridge. Independent Gazetteer, Philadelphia August 17, 1786.(1787) A reward is offered for the return of some stolen books in sheets. The Independent Gazetteer, Philadelphia. April 23, 1787.(1787) Benjamin January is declared Bankrupt. Independent Gazetteer, Philadelphia, December 3, 1787.(1788)”Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has once more begun business at his house on the north side of Chestnut street, three doors above Fourth street”.(1803) died January, 24 at Chamlersburg :Literary Magazine and American Register ,1803-04  Oct- March. pg. 320

Jaquith Moses Boston MA

Moses JaquithBookbinderChambers StreetBostonMassachusetts ( 1818,1820)1.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.100.2. (1818) Boston City Directory (same listing in ’20)


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