Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Johnston William G. & Co. Pittsburgh PA PA

William G. Johnston & Co. (inc. William Eichbaum & Samuel R. Johnston)Booksellers, Printers, and BookbindersPittsburghPennsylvania 1.1. (founded cir. 1816). S. W. And P. A. Durant, History of Lawrence CountyPennsylvania. 

Johnstone Elkhanah New York NY

E & R Johnston (Elkhanah Johnstone)Bookbinder and Stationer385 pearl street op. Rutger’s streetNew YorkNew York   1.1.(1801)New York City Directory, pg. 203 (1801)  “Dissolution of Partnership”…”The partnership of E. and R. Johnstonis this day dissolved by mutual consent”… “The business is still carried on by E. Johnston Book-Binder and Stationer”… Weekly Museum, New York, Dec. 5,1801.2. (1806) Division Lane  Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand”from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.106.

Jones Edward Providence RI

Edward jonesBookseller, BookbinderProvidence Bookbinding at the house of James AngellProvidenceRhode Island (1769)1. Atlas of the Rhode island Book Trade in the Eighteenth Century

Jones Elnathan Boston MA

Elnathan JonesBookbinder11  1-2 School Street*BostonMassachusetts, 1.*Meaning of “11  1-2” is not clear1. (1849) Mercantile Union, Business Directory for New England, pg. 116.2. (1849)Died at San Francisco, on the 11th of October last, Mr. Elnathan Jones.Mr Jones was for several years an inhabitant of this city, but carried on his business, that of a bookbinder, in Boston, where he was well known.He was a man of estimable character, of kind and generous feelings, a friendly neighbor, a faithful and affectionate husband and father, He leaves behind, a wife and three children, the eldest eleven years old. Mr. Jones embarked from N. York, in the Crescent City, for Chargres, early in the Summer. While waiting at Panama for a passage to San Francisco, he was seized with the Panama fever, so called, from which he had but partially recovered, when he took passage in the Tasso, for California. After an apparent convalescence of considerable duration, he relapsed and continued to decline, with short intervals only of hope, until the vessel anchored in the port of San Francisco. His death and the termination of the passage of the vessel, took place nearly at the same hour. On the afternoon of the following day, he was buried in the cemetery of Dan Francisco”…Cambridge Chronicle, 20 December 1849.

Jones Geo. V. Boston MA

![GeoVJones.jpg][1]George V Jones & CoBooksellers & Bookbinders![GeoVJonesCo.jpg][2]123 Pearl St.BostonMassachusetts 1Image collection ABM 00034, 00039 prov. TJ. [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/471/GeoVJones.jpg (Geo. V. Jones) [2]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/471/GeoVJonesCo.jpg (Geo. V. Jones)


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