Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
#VALUE! #VALUE! Clinton OH

John P. McArdleBookbinder and Publisher of the Ohio RegisterClintonOhio, (1813) 1.1.  McArdle emigrated from Ireland , March 17th ,1801 and set up, with SamuelR. Smith, the first press in Clinton in July 1813. M.A. Banning Norton, AHistory of Knox County Ohio pg. 2432. (1816) First Publisher in the region.  McArdle gave notice in his OhioRegister that the paper would not be published for two weeks because of thelarge amount of bookbinding, for the State, that needed to be done. 1 Hill &Graham, History of Knox County Ohio, pg. 362.3.(1817) On the 15th of October, 1817, the first six months of the secondvolume of the Ohio Register having been completed, the editor calls uponsubscribers to pay up old scores-“For without this one thing necessary, it is impossible to expect that we canlive; money would be preferable, but if that is scarce with you, rags, wheat,rye, corn, and almost all kinds of market produce will be taken in payment.”On the 5th of November he proposes to “take for subscription, advertisements,hand-bills or bookbinding, wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, &c., delivered atDavis’ mill in this town, in preference to some uncharted paper.” (A sly digthis at the Owl Creek Bank, Mr. McArdle.) M.A. Banning Norton, A History ofKnox County Ohio pg. 247.

#VALUE! #VALUE! Richmond VA

Simons Blank Book Co.Richmond Virginia, 1.1. Tickets (2)  in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society,(1997.191.6.2) prov. John & Suse Fiel.

#VALUE! #VALUE! Winchester VA

Hite & HallBooksellersWinchesterVirginia, (1872*) 1.*advertisement in The Education Journal of Virginia Vol. 4 no.1.  1872, pg. 3761. Ticket in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2)prov. John & Suse Field.

#VALUE! #VALUE! Louisville KY

Gilber Mallory publishing Co.Printers, Stationers  and Booksellers and Blank Book ManufacturerLouisvilleKentucky,() 1.1. Ticket in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2)prov. John & Suse Field


The notorious John Steele”St. LouisMissouri Attorney counselor at law, land Agent, late Editor of the PoliticalIntelligencer at little Rock, compiler of the Laws of Arkansas,”under thedirection and superintendence”of ex-governor Pope, Book-binder and stationer,& . & *c. who it seems , is engaged in a new employment- or , rather,continuing an old one, which he was strongly suspected of being concerned inbefore he left this place. It appears, from  the letter before us that John ABrown (probably the same who has obtained some celebrity in this quarter) somemonths sine, sold a negro boy named Jim Crow, to Messrs. Clements & Desoby, ofIberville Parish, and that, on the morning of the 21st July, Steele, incompany with Samuel Holliday and Vermillion Aldridge, landed at the plantationof those gentlemen, before day-light, went to the cabin where the boy slept,got possession of him, and bore him off. They were pursued by the overseer,and overtaken at Iberville, where a criminal prosecution was commenced againstSteele and Holliday , by the owners of the boy.” … its appears, from what wecan learn, that he has an extensive acquaintance amount he villains who prowlthrough  the country, stealing negroes,and when one is stolen and sold,ascertains where he is, and then, for an extravagant reward, restores thestolen property to the rightful owner”… Daily Commercial Bulletin, St Louis,Sept. 14, 1835.


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