Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Lord Charles R. Auburn NY

Charles R. LordBookbinder, at Alden’s Bindery*boards 1 NorthAuburnNew York, 1857, 1.* see: Alden’s Bookbindery / Beardsley’s 1. French’s Auburn City Directory, 1857

Lord Erastus A. Boston MA

Erastus A. LordBookbinderBostonMass. 1.1. (1814) Erastus A. Lord bookbinder, admitted to the Association: Joseph T.Buckingham, Annals of The Massachusetts  Charitable Mechanic Association,1853, pg 135.2. (1813?) “I had for a partner, at first Ersatus, a brother of “Joe’s”. whomI had known as a bookbinder in Portland two or three years before.He was nowmanufacturing pocket-books, and appeared to be doing , not only a large andprofitable, but safe business, selling for cash…”  The Atlantic Monthly,Volume 18, no.110. December. 1866.

Lord Henry New Haven CT

Henry LordBookbinderres. 7 LafayetteNew HavenConnecticut. 1.1. New Haven Directory for 1842-43, James Patter.

Loring Benjamin & Jonah Boston MA

![loringbjm.jpg][1]Benjamin & Josiah (twin brothers)BookbindersWater StreetBostonMassachusetts  1.*learned the trade  from William Andrews. Joseph T. Buckingham, Annals of The Massachusetts  Charitable Mechanic Association, 1853, pg. 311.1. (1798) Boston City Directory (not listed in the 1796 directory)2. (1800, 1803) State  Street. Boston City Directory3. (1805, 1806 )  Benjamin remains on State street and Josiah Loring  is onDevonshire street. Boston City Directory pg. 834. (1807) Benjamin remains on State street and Josiah moves to 25 Schoolstreet. Boston City Directory5. (1808) No. 79 State street. Advertisement Colombian Centinal, Boston, Jan.20, 18086. (1810 “To be Let- and entered the first day of January next- The Chambersin State street now occupied by Benjamin Loring”,… Advertisement: Repertory,(Boston0 Dec. 14, 18107. (1813) 13 Exchange st. Boston City Directory (same address in ’16 & ’18)8. (1813) no. 1 South Row Marlboro street. proprietor of the Patent’Cylindrical Ruling Machine”Repertory, Boston January, 15, 1813.9. (1814)   Benjamin Loring (and brother Josiah) admitted to the Association:Joseph T. Buckingham, Annals of The Massachusetts  Charitable MechanicAssociation, 1853, pg. 134.10. “Col. Benjamin Loring, Boston, bookbinder; born at Hingham. He roseregularly from an Ensign of militia to be Colonel of the 2d Regiment.Lieutenant of the Ar. Co. 1816; Captain 1818, and many years Treasurer. He wasa bachelor, but universally popular and justly esteemed, and there was as muchof a benediction in his countenance as in that of the late President Kirkland”History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, By Zachariah GardnerWhitman,1842, pg. 376.11. (1820) 50 State Street. Boston City Directory12. (1834)Benjamin Listed as a bookbinder in: 23d Congress, first session, Massachusetts Resolutions Doc. no 175, March 183413. B. Loring & Co. won a silver medal for five Bank Ledgers.  FirstExhibition and Fair of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association.September 10, 1837 pg. 111.image: 1835 Boston City Directory [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/872/loringbjm.jpg (loringbjm.jpg)

Loring Josiah Boston MA

Josiah Loring*Bookbinder and Paper-rulerDevonshire StreetBostonMassachusetts. 1.*”Josiah Loring was born in Hingham, December 1, 1775. At a suitable age he was apprenticed to David West of Boston, to learn the trade of a book-binder. Immediately after the close of his apprenticeship, (in connection with a twin brother, who had learned the same business of William Andrews,) he began his career of successful industry. in 1803 the brothers separated. Josiah purchased of John Fairbanks the paper -ruling machine, and became a celebrated manufacturer of blank books.- a business which he industriously followed to the end of his life” Joseph T. Buckingham, Annals of The Massachusetts  Charitable Mechanic Association, 1853, pg. 311.not listed in the 1796 Boston City Directory listed with his twin brother inthe 1798,1800 and 1803 Boston City Directory see: Benjamin & Joseph Loring.1. (1805) Cotton, The Boston Directory, pg. 83. (Benjamin Loring is on (StateStreet.)2. (1807) School street: New England Palladium, Boston, Massachusetts, April4, 1807.3. (1810) School Street,  Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand”from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.101.3. (1814) Josiah (and brother Benjamin) admitted to the Association: Joseph T.Buckingham, Annals of The Massachusetts  Charitable Mechanic Association,1853, pg4.(1816) Bookseller, South row. Boston City Directory( same addres in ’18,’20)5. (1834) Listed as a bookbinder in: 23d Congress, first session, Massachusetts Resolutions Doc. no 175, March 1834


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