Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Low J. F. Boston MA

J. F. LowbookbinderDevonshire street corner WaterBostonMassachusetts, 1.1. (1849) Mercantile Union, Business Directory for New England, pg. 116.

Low John New York NY

John LowBookseller332 Water streetNew YorkNew York 1.1.(1798)Longworth’s City Directory same address in (1799) Longworth’s City Directory, pg. 281.2.(1800) New York City Directory,16.

Low Peter Boston MA

P.  Low, ( Peter)BookbinderSchool, c. WashingtonBostonMassachusetts, 1852. 1.Peter Low exhibited   “Several Books of Custom Work in elegant bindings. Twowere in white calf, with mosaic work inside the cover; one of them (Burns,)wasnot in good taste, the inlaying being too large to produce a good effect; theother, (Prize Essays,) was in very good taste, and beautifully done; all thebooks were first rate custom work, Mr Low also exhibited some loose cover, forpreserving costly binding, made of crimson velvet, and lined with wateredsilk, a prime article for that purpose.” First Exhibition and Fair of theMassachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. September 10, 1837 pg(1834) Listed as a bookbinder in: 23d Congress, first session, Massachusetts Resolutions Doc. no 175, March 1834(1835) residence: 1 Beach. Boston City Directory.1. Boston Directory, 1852,  Adams. also: Massachusetts Register for the year1853, George Adams.2. Timothy B. Wilder Rare Books cataloged a copy of:  Douglas James,”Philosophy of the Mind”, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1839.  Ticket ofP. Low on the front paste down.3.   21 Devonshire st..  (AND second variation): Corner Water and Devonshire. Tickets in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society, (1997.191.6.2)prov. John & Suse Field 

Lowd William B. Portsmouth NH

William B. LowdBookbinderand Blank Book Manufacturerno 22 Penhallow streetPortsmouthNew Hampshire 1.1. (1839) Advertisement, Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics, June29, 1839.same address in 1840

Lowe James Windsor VT

James LoweWindsor Book StoreBookseller and BookbinderWindsorVermont.  1.1. (1818) Survived a serious fire Spooner’s Vermont Journal, December 7, 18182. (1818) Opposite Pettes Coffee House, informs the public that by goodness ofhis friends who assisted him at the fire, he has saved the most valuable partof his Books & Stationary, which with an additional assortment just receivedfrom Boston, makes his stock complete, for a country store. ibid


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