Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Patterson Robert Pittsburgh PA

Robert Patterson*Wholesale and Retail Bookseller and Stationer (and Bookbinder) 2.cor. Wood & FourthPittsburghPennsylvania (1815) 1.perhaps in business with his brother Joseph. Uncle Dale’s readings in earlyMormon History, www.sidneyrigdon.com1. 1815 Pittsburgh Directory pg. 65.( not listed as a Bookbinder)2.”We will give constant employment to five or six JOURNEYMEN BOOK BINDERS,and nine dollars per week wages, with boarding and washing.” Wm Essex & Sonapply to R. & J. Patterson, Pittsburgh.  Ad., The Mercury, Pittsburgh,Wednesday, August 19, 1814.3. Patterson & Lambdin (1818) .”I entered the book-store of R. Patterson &Lambdin in March, 1818, when about twelve years old, and remained there untilthe summer of 1820. The firm had under it’s control, the book-store on FourthStreet, a book-bindery, a printing office ( not newspaper, but job-office,under the name of Butler & Lambdin), entrance on Dimond Alley, and a steampaper-mill on the Allegheny (under the name of R. & J. Patterson. BoydCrumrine ed., History of Washington County Pennsylvania, Phil., 1882, pg.431-4324. R. Patterson & Lambdin, at the old stand, (corner of Wood and ThirdStreets). The Pittsburgh Gazette vol. 38. no.45, Friday April 4, 1823.

Patton David N. Philadelphia PA

David N. PattonBookbinder9, North Second streetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania (1802-1809) 1.not in the 1785 or 1791 Directory.1.  (1794) Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 119.2. (1795) North Second street East side. Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 26.Same address (9 North Second street)  pg. 142. And in 1797, page. 139. In1798, pg. 110.3. (1799) 80 North Third street. : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 108 Sameaddress in 1800, pg. 95.4. (1801) Greenleaf Alley. Philadelphia City Directory, pg.123. Same addressin 1802, pg. 189. In 1803 pg. 194.5. (1806) 129 South Front street : Philadelphia City Directory (no pagenumbers)(1807) 94  south Front : Philadelphia City Directory (no page numbers)6. (1807) White Hall printing office : Names, & c. of the Inhabitants inKensington, and the City West of Broad Street, part of the Philadelphia CityDirectory.7. (1808) White Hall  Printing Office. ridge road above Callowhill and Tenth :Philadelphia City Directory (no page numbers)8. (1802-1809) Greenleaf Alley, Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding byHand” from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg. 114

Patton Gustavus Columbus OH

Gustavus Patton (Patton Company Binders)Bookbinder, Stationer and Blank Book ManufacturerColumbusOhio1. (1857) entered business. Centennial History of Columbus, chapter XV, 455

Patton Robert Philadelphia PA

Robert PattonBookbinderN. Second StreetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania ( 1790-1791) 1.not in the 1785 Directory.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.1142. (1791) 5, North Second street: Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 913. (1793) Bookbinder & Stationer. 9 North second street, pg. 1103. Died of yellow fever in 1793. Mathew Cary, Short Account of Malignant Feverin Philadelphia.

Payn John Philadelphia PA

John PaynBookbinderAnn StreetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania ( 1801) 1.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.114


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