Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Pendleton A. G. Richmond VA

A. G. PendletonBookbinderRichmondVirginia *11. (1846) “Removal. A. G. Pendleton, Bookseller, Bookbinder and Stationer. “he has removed his store from No 16 to No. 53, opposite the City Hotel, (Formerly Bell Tavern,)”. Richmond Enquirer, March 5, 1847.

Penington Ashbury, Sr. Wilmington DE

Ashbury Penington Sr.98 Shipley StreetWilmingtonDelaware 1.1. Scharf, Thomas J., History of Delaware, 1609-1888. Volume Two- pp. 629-663.CHAPTER XXVII.

Penniman Obadiah Troy NY

Obadiah Penniman  & Co. (William S. Parker and Sylvanus F. Penniman)Printer, Bookbinder and Booksellernearly opposite the large brick store of messrs,  Aaron & Derick LaneTroyNew York 1.1. (1802) “Obadiah Penniman of the late firm of Thomas Andrews & Penniman inthe city of Albany. Respectfully informs the public and the friends andcustomers of the late Co-partnership in particular, that he has commencedbusiness in the village of Troy…”   and he has entered into Co-partnershipwith William S. Parker and Sylvanus F. Penniman under the firm of ObadiahPenniman & Co.” Troy Gazette, Troy, New York. December, 21, 18022. (1804) New London Historical Society, Newsletter Winter 2008(1805) Penniman has just purchased the patent rights  to the Fairbanks PatentRuling Machine which will rule and cross rule. Troy Gazette, Troy, NewYork.December 17, 1805.3. (1808) No 52. Market street Albany , N.Y.  “has removed his Book BindersShop, together with his patent Ruling machine to a room in the second story ofMessrs. I. & G. Hutton’s new store nearly opposite the post office” AlbanyRegister, (Albany, N. Y.)  March, 18 and Dec. , 20, 1808.4. (1808) “being the proprietor of Fairbank’s patent Ruling Machine…he haserected one in the room over his Book-Store, No. 32, Market-street…” AlbanyRegister, Albany, New York, Dec. 9, 1808.

Penniman Sylvanius J. Lansingburg NY

Sylvanius J. PennimanBookbinderLansingburgNew York (1803) 1.1. Born Meriden, County Worcester Mass in 1780.  Was a bookbinder for a numberof years later becoming a tanner. Died aged 71. Joel Munsell,  Annals ofAlbany Vol. I, pg 350

Pennington Ashbury S. Willmington DE

Ashbury S. PenningtonBookbinder98 ShipleyWilmingtonDelaware. 1.1. Richard E. Stevens, 1814, Wilmington, DE., Street  Directory.


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