Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Peters Thomas Philadelphia PA

Thomas T. Peters   (in 1807 there are two Thomas Peters in the Philadelphiaone Thomas Peters on 3 Cherry and Thomas T. Peters on 22 North Cherry)BookbinderCherry street, North side.PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, 1.1. (1785) Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 68.2. (1790 ) Vine street between Second an Third : William Young’s receipt booksMcA MSS 007(1791) 29 Pewter-Plater alley: Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 101.(1793) 20 Pewter-Plater alley: Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 112.3. (1794) 3 Cherry street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 121.  In 1795,Cherry street, North side: pg. 66. 1796, Cherry Street, Hannah French, pg.114.4. (1797) 3 Cherry Street/ alley : Philadelphia City Directory, pg. 144. Sameaddress in 1799, pg. 110. In 1800 pg. 97.  (1801) Thomas T. Peters, 3 CherryStreet : Philadelphia, City Directory, pg.76. In 1802 pg. 122. in 1803 pg.197. Same address in 1806. Still at this address in 1807 and 1808.5. (1807) Thomas  Peters   (in 1807 there are two Thomas Peters in thePhiladelphia one Thoma Peters on 3 Cherry and Thomas T. Peters on 22 NorthCherry) Both listing continue in 1808.6. (1809) Thomas T. Peters, (Thomas Peters is not listed) Philadelphia, CityDirectory,

Peters William Philadelphia PA

William PetersBookbinder140 Walnut StreetPhiladelphiaPennsylvania ( 1804) 2.1. (1803) 110 Walnut street : Philadelphia City Directory, pg.197fix2. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.114William H. PetersBookbinder and Machine RulerNo. 7 S. Liberty streetBaltimoreMaryland 1;1. (1842) Baltimore Sun, Jan. 19, 1842.2. (1845) ” Wanted. Two Boys 14 or 15 years old, to learn the Book-binding business, of good moral character- boys from the country would be preferred. Also, two Girls to learn Book folding. Apply at No. 7 South Liberty street. William H. Peters.” American Republican and Baltimore Clipper May 7, 1846.

Petsch julius Charleston SC

Julius PetschStationer and Bookbinder123  Tradd streetCharlestonSouth Carolina 1.1. (1806) “The Subscriber informs his Friends and the Public in general, thathe has this day commenced Business in the Stationary & Book-Binding , at 123Tradd street next door to the Times office”… : Charleston Courier,Charleston, South Carolina, October 23, 1806.

Phelps William B. New Orleans LA

William B. PhelpsBookbinder41 ChartresNew Orleans (1824) 1.1.1824 New Orleans City Directory

Philbrick Ira R. Concord NH

Ira R. PhilbrickBookbinderopposite the Phoenix HotelConcord New Hampshire 1.1. (1842) Bookbinding, and Blank Book Binding” on the most reasonable terms”.advertisement N.H. Patriot, Concord June 1 1842.


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