Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5

![briggsgeo.jpg][1]George W. BriggsBookseller and Practical Bookbinder403* Washington StreetBostonMassachusetts 1.*403 or 408 type unclear, he was at 403 in 1849,see below1.  (1846) Boston Evening Transcript. Jan. 30, 18462. (1849) 403 Washington street. Norfolk Democrat, Dedham, MA. Nov. 23, 1849.also:(1849) Mercantile Union, Business Directory for New England, pg. 116.3. (1850) “has opened a new store”  Boston Evening Transcript, Boston, Feb. 2,1850.4. (1852) Liberty Tree Book Store, 376 Washington Street corner of EssexBoston Directory, 1852, Adams. also: Massachusetts Register for the year 1853,George Adams. Both Google Books. [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/1214/briggsgeo.jpg (briggsgeo.jpg)

#VALUE! #VALUE! Pawtucket RI

![morse.jpg][1]F. D. Morse & Son.Bookbinders94 Main St.PawtucketRhode Island prov. TJ [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/746/morse.jpg (morse.jpg)


![ellesstarr.jpg][1](Kelita) Elles* & (Daniel) StarrBookbinders114 and 116 Nassau StreetNew York 1857. 1.1. “Solicit From Publishers & Binders of Canada Orders for Cambric Cases andCloth Binding” Disbound page  The Canada Directory for 1857-58…Corrected to November, 1857. Montreal, John Lovell. dated 1858 pg. 1404. e-bay 11/14/082.Wm. Spawn notes a Kelita S. Elles & Samuel Middlebrook in New York City1837-1842. and Ellis &  Starr were at the above address1856-1860.Spawn ASBnos,191 &192.3. Kelita S. Elles was married to Abbey c. Williams of Providence RI. inAndover Mass. on Dec 15, 1827 Vital Records of Andover Mass. vol. 2 pg 111.4. Kelita S. Elles, 114 Nassau Street ,1836.  Huttner & Huttner  A Register ofNew York Book Trades. [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/1202/ellesstarr.jpg (ellesstarr.jpg)


![johnsonwatson.jpg][1] Johnson & WatsonBlank Book ManufacturersLegal Blank Publishers, Stationers, Printers and Binders131 and 133 East Third StreetDayton Ohio. 1899 1.From an invoice sold on e-bay 11/18/08 [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/1199/johnsonwatson.jpg (johnsonwatson.jpg)

#VALUE! #VALUE! San Francisco CA

![hicksj2.jpg][1]![hicks_judd33.jpg][2]Hicks & CoBookbinders and Blank Book Manufacturers543 Clay st.San FranciscoCalifornia 1.A Daniel Hicks age 34, born in Virginia  was listed   in the 1867 voterregistration.1. San Francisco Business Directory 1865 ( not in 1864 Business or earlier)2. D. Hicks & Co. 1867 S.F. Business Directory (see also 9. below)3. Advertisement pg. 299 S.F. Business Directory 18694. 543 Clay st. 1873, S.F. Business Directory. Misprint as advertisement stillreads 543 Clay st.: “Paper Rulers and Blank Book Makers Particular attentiongiven to Elegant Binding, and imitation of Antiques. Blank Books made to orderfrom the best quality of paper.”5. 508 Montgomery st. 1881, S.F. City Directory6. Hicks & Judd 508 Montgomery, S.F. City Directory, 18867. 23 First st., S.F. City Directory, 1887. San Francisco Business Directory,Remained at this address with listings under both Bookbinding and Blank BookManufacturer until 1905 , the last directory before the 1906 San FranciscoFire.8. ” This Directory was bound by The Hicks-Judd Co.” S.F. City Directory,1889, pg. 14269. D. Hicks & Co. 27 Main (new listing) and below it: Hicks-Judd Co. 23 First,S. F. Business Directory,1890. Remained at this address until the 1906 firewhich destroyed this area.10. 1000a (number unclear ) Golden Gate Ave. S. F. , The Relief Directory May190611. Hicks Judd Co. 270-284 Valencia, St.. 1907, Crocker Langley S. F. BusinessDirectory.. The first directory after the fire.12. 51-55 First Street. 1910 Crocker Langley S. F. Business Directory. Thelast directory checked![HicksJudd.jpg][3]![HicksJudd2.jpg][4]![][5] [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/463/hicksj2.jpg (hicksj2.jpg) [2]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/463/hicks_judd33.jpg (hicks_judd33.jpg) [3]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/463/HicksJudd.jpg (Hicks Judd) [4]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/463/HicksJudd2.jpg (Hicks Judd) [5]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/463/hicks%20judd1898.jpg


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