Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Potter William W. Philadelphia PA

William W. PotterBookbinderPhiladelphia 1.1. from: Early American Bookbindings, from the Collection of MichaelPapantonio, The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 1972. see entry #36.2. (1825) 66 Chestnut, Philadelphia Directory and Strangers Guide.

Potts Stephan Philadelphia PA

Stephan PottsBookbinderThird Street, opposite he Church Alley; at the Bible and Crown, in Fourth*Street.PhiladelphiaPennsylvania  (_ ca._ 1730-1749) 1. * Although the location seems the same there is a inconsistency between Fourth street and Front-street.1. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg. 1142.  Benjamin Franklin, and many others, including  Stephen Potts, Printer andBookbinder,   would found ( in 1772) a literary association that would laterbecome ( in 1731) The Library Company of Philadelphia. Scharf & Westcott,”History of Philadelphia 1609-1884″, pg. inconsistency, 1173.3.(1743) Stephen Potts, Bookbinder,At the Sign of the Bible & Crown in Front-street.”Pennsylvania Gazette May 12, 1743″3. (1743) “at the sign of the Bible & crown in Front-street” Pennsylvania Gazette, May 12, 1743.4. (1749) Stephen Potts, Bookbinder,Is removed from Market-street, opposite the shambles to Third-street opposite the Church-alley: and continues to bind old and new books to any pattern, at the most reasonable prices, as usual.” The Pennsylvania Gazette, June,1, 1749.

Poulson Zachariah Philadelphia PA

Zachariah PoulsonBookbinder, Bookseller and StationerSign of the Bible on Second Street between Arch and RacePhiladelphiaPennsylvania 1.1. Scharf and Westcott, “History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884”, pg. 876.2. (1763-1804) , Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from:”Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.1143. (1794) 80 Chestnut street, Printer & Libraries :Philadelphia CityDirectory, pg. 123.4. (1795)  Zachariah Poulson JR., Second street : Philadelphia City Directorypg. 140.5. (1796) 3 Cherry street : Philadelphia City Directory pg. 148.6. (1798) 80 Chestnut street : Philadelphia City Directory pg. 114.7. (1799) 106 Chestnut street : Philadelphia City Directory pg. 112. Sameaddress in 1800, pg. 99. Same address in 1807.8. (1802) Librarian Publisher of the American Daily Advertiser. no addresslisted : Philadelphia City Directory pg. 195. Same listing in 1803 pg. 201.Same listing in 1806. In 1808  & 1809, the same listing with the address of106 Chestnut.

Poultney William Annapolis MD

William PoultneyBookbinder”at the printing Office” ( of the Maryland Gazette)Maryland 1.1. (1762) advertisement in the Maryland Gazette May 1762, Quoted in A Historyof Printing in Colonial Maryland,  1686-1776, pg 87.

Poundsford William Cincinnati OH

William PoundsfordBookbinder and Stationer179 MainCincinnati.Ohio   1.1. (1819) Cincinnati City Directory, Farnsworth pg. 137.2. (1825) 197 Main, native of England. 1825 Cincinnati City Directory.


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