Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
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Rangaves Peter San Francisco CA

![rengaves.jpg][1] Peter Rangaves ( Feb. 19, 1921- Aug. 25,2008 ) Trade Bindery (1951-1996) Born into a Greek family in Brooklyn, New York, Peter spent his youth in Athens, Greece. He learned the trade by working for his Uncles’ bookbindery in Athens. At 18 years old, Peter came back to the United States and settled in San Francisco. Here he worked three jobs, as a waiter, singer, and in a bookbindery. Soon his parents and four brothers joined him to live in San Francisco. In 1951 his boss was ready to sell Peter his business. Every bank turned Peter down for a loan until he went to Bank of America where the loan officer looked at him and said, ” I trust you to pay the loan back.” So at 30 years of age, Peter bought his former bosses’ business and changed the name to Trade Bindery. In the beginning days he was so afraid to miss a business call, that he telephoned his mother to keep the line busy while he went to use the bathroom! He built his business, married, raised a family and forty-five years later retired to Sonoma County, California. ![peterrangaves.png][2] Santa Rosa Press Democrat The ABM wishes to thank Diana Rangaves for the photograph and information about her father. [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/939/rengaves.jpg (rengaves.jpg) [2]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/939/peterrangaves.png (peterrangaves.png)

Ranger Edmund Boston MA

Edmund Ranger*Bookbinder and BooksellerBostonMassachusetts ( 1671-1705 1.* d. 1705. Arguably the second bookbinder to practice in the Colonies. Lawrence C. Wroth, The Colonial Printer, pg. 203. 1. ‘Edmund Ranger was admitted as a freeman in Boston in 1671’. He died in1705. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbindingin America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pgs. 10, 101.2. Thomas J. Holmes. The Bookbindings of John Ratcliff and Edmund Ranger,Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, XXXVIII, 31-50; 291-306, Oct.1929.

Ranninger Philip C. Lancster PA

Philip C. RanningerBookbinderNorth Prince streetLancaster Pennsylvania *11.(1849) “The undersigned hereby returner his sincere thanks to his respected patrons, and the public in general, for the liberal encouragement in his business, BOOK-BINDING; and makes known, at the same time, that he still continues at his old AND WELL KNOWN STAND, IN North Prince Street Lancaster, Pa., to carry on his business , in all its various branches. His work, in regard to beauty, durability and cheapness, cannot be exceeded by any other in the State” Lancaster Intelligencer, Tuesday, January 23, 1849.

Rapine Conrad & Co, Washington. DC PA

Raphine, Conrad and Co.Booksellers and Bookbinderscorner of South B Street and New Jersey AvenueWashingtonDC,. 1.1. (1801) National Intelligencer, Washington DC. May 15, 1801.

Ratcliff John Boston MA

John Ratcliff or Ratcliffe*or RatliffeBookbinderBostonMassachusetts 1. (1663-1682) (1661-1663)3.see also: Edmund Ranger, bookbinder *Ratcliff came from Englandt  to work on the Indian Bible. He was paid two and sixpence per Bible. he finding ‘thread, glue, pasteboard, and leather claps for himself’. In 1664, he addressed a memorial to the commissioners of the United Colonies, complaining of the insufficiency of this pay.’ I finde by experience’- he writes, from Boston, Aug. 30 [1663],- ‘that in things belonging to my trade, I here pay18s. for that which in England I could buy for four shillings, they being things not formerly much used in this country'” Oliver Ayer Roberts, History of the Military company of Mass.,1895 pg., 210. 1. from: Early American Bookbindings, from the Colllection of MichaelPapantonio, The Pierpont Morgan Library , New York 19722.  Returned to England in 1682. Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding byHand “from: “Bookbinding in America” Lehman-Haupt ed.1967. pp.11,101.3. Grolier Club, Catalogue of Ornamental Leather Bindings  pg 93.


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