Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Steel Horace Hartford CT

Horace SteelBookbinderHartford Conn. (1799). 1   Frank D. Andrews, Business Men of the City of Hartford, 1799, HenryDevier (pg.7) and Horace Steel (pg.9) are the only directory listings for abookbinders. Brazillai Hudson and George Goodwin are both listed as a Printerand Bookseller.(also listed 1799, Andrews, Hartford Business Directory Oliver D. Cooke will be listed in the 1799 Directory as a Bookbinder1. (1799) Hartford Business Directory 2.(1817) Berlin, Connecticut. Bookbinder and later maker of bandboxes.Catharine M. North, History of Berlin Connecticut

Steel J. B. New Orleans LA

J. B. Steel Successor to Norman Steel & coStationer, Publisher Bookseller & Bookbinder14 Camp StreetNew OrleansLousiana 1*1.(1845) The St. Landry Wig. March 13, 1845.2.(1848) still at Camp street,Printing and Bookbinding in all their branches. The Daily Crescent, October 9 , 1848.

Steel Norman New Orleans Louisana

Norman SteelStationers & (Bookbinders? J. B. Steel was successor to Norman Steel and conducted bookbinding)New OrleansLouisiana 11. (1842) New Orleans City Directory

Steele Alexander Boston MA

Alexander Steele*BookbinderMarlborough Street between Bromfield’s Lane and the sign of the Golden Cock BostonMassachusetts 1.*Father of Charles Steele, Salem Mass. Bookbinder. Tapley states that the son was binding books at least by 1802. Salem Imprints 1768- 1825, by Harriet Silvester Tapley pg. 198.1.(1770)Massachusetts Spy, Oct 9, 1770. (1789) Back-Street. Boston City Directory pg. 41. (same listing in 1796, 1798, 1800)2.  (not listed in 1803 or 1805 Boston Directory)3.  ( 1789-1800)   Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from:”Bookbinding in America” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.102.4. (1804) Died aged 60. Advertisement Columbian Minerva, Dedham,Massachusetts, Aug. 14, 1804.

Steele Charles Salem MA

Charles SteeleBookbinder, Account Bookbindercorner of Essex and Washington streetsSalemMassachusetts 1.1.(1805) “The subscriber begs leave to inform the public, that he carries onthe BOOKBINDING BUSINESS, in the brick building, corner of Essex andWashington streets, where he will be happy to receive and execute any ordersin his line of business”: Salem register , Salem Massachusetts, February, 11,1805,2. (pre. June 1807)  Derby street, “Informs his friends and the public that hehas removed from Derby street to the shop next  above the Sign of the WatchEssex street”: Salem Register, June, 22, 1807.3. Salem Imprints 1768- 1825, by Harriet Silvester Tapley pg 198-94. (1807) At his shop, next above the sigh of the Watch, Essex street.: EssexRegister, Salem November 1807.5. (1812) ” To be sold at Auction on Friday the 11th  inst- (?) at 12 o’clocknoon The shop lately improved by Mr Steele book-binder, standing between thehouse o Jacob Ashton, Esq. and the shop of Mr Jabez Baldwin, Essex street”…:Salem Gazette, Salem Sept. 4, 1812.


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