Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Stevens John Boston MA

John StevensBookbinderBostonMassachusetts 1.1.(1735) John Stevens (Defendant) was brought to court by John Shipthorp (printer, Plaintiff) for practicing the art of printing having no served a seven year apprentice. The Boston Weekly Thursday May 15, 1735.

Stevens S. C. Dover NH

S. C. Stevens, at the Dover BookbinderyBookbinder and Blank Book ManufacturerWashington streetDoverNew Hampshire 1.1.(1827) New Hampshire Republican, Dover N.H., April 17, 1827.

Stevens William New York NY

William StevensBookbinderRoosevelt StreetNew YorkNew York ( 1811-1820)  1.1.  Hannah French, “Early American Bookbinding by Hand” from: “Bookbinding inAmerica” Lehmann-Haupt ed. 1967. pg.1092. (1820) “Died yesterday, after a lingering illness, Mr William Stevens,Bookbinder, in the 33rd year of his age. The friends and acquaintances, arerequested to attend his funeral, this afternoon , at 4 o clock, from his lateresidence, No 67 Roosevelt-street.

Steward Samuel UK GB

Samuel StewardBookbinder* & Blankbook ManufacturerSt Michael’s at Plea(?) church yardNorfolkU.K.. 1845. 1.*The listing is under the heading of Bookbinder with an asterisk noting: ” are paper rulers. I am taking this to mean that they are bookbinders and  blank book manufacturers. 1. William White.”History, Gazetteer and Directory of Norfolk”,  1845.

Stewart Alexander Charleston SC

Alexander StewartBookbinderCharlestonSouth Carolina 1.1. (1809)  Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts, vol. 26 no.1. 1998.Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts reference number: 37874


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