Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
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Wells Thomas Boston MA

Thomas Wells*BookbinderBostonMass.`1.*Likly the Wells of Wells & West see: Wells & West1. “Ensign Thomas Wells, Boston bookbinder; son of Capt, Thomas 1786. Ensignof the Ar. Co. 1819. He died at B. Dec. 31, 1829, age 49. A man of unassumingmanners, great purity, and much beloved.”  History of the Ancient andHonorable Artillery Company, By Zachariah Gardner Whitman,1842, pg. 378.2. (1804)  Admitted to the Association: Joseph T. Buckingham, Annals of TheMassachusetts  Charitable Mechanic Association, 1853, pg.90.

Wells William Charleston SC

Robert WellsBookbinderCharlestonSouth Carolina  1.1. (1753) ” William Wells …was..the child of Robert and Mary Wells, bothnatives of Scotland, who settled in Carolina in 1753. His father who had beenoriginally a merchant and afterwords carried on the business of a booksellerand bookbinder and printer of a newspaper, with considerable success, appearsto have  been possessed of more than common talent…”  Louis Susannah Wells,the Journal of a Voyage from Charlestown, S.C. to London. vol, 84.2. (1764 . Leander Bishop, History of American Manufacturers, vol. I. 193.3. Bookseller.  Advertisement South Carolina Gazette, May 23 17714. Robert …”whose conduct as the printer of a newspaper had become extremelyoffensive to the people of Carolina from his constantly maintaining the causeof Royalty, found it prudent to leave that Country and to return to GreatBritain.” Louis Susannah Wells, the Journal of a Voyage from Charlestown, London. vol, 2. pg. 99.

Wells William Boston MA

William WellsBookseller, (Bookbinder ?)*no. 6 Court StreetBostonMassachusetts 1.1. (1806) “For sale, as above, A quantity of American Sheep Skins, suitable ofBook-Binding” : Boston Gazette, Boston Massachusetts August, 7, 1806

Wenzel Philipp NH HI

Philipp WenzelBookbinder, Paper Box ManufacturerDealer in Pictures & Frames58 Congress Street PortsmouthNew Hampshire, 1.1.  Ticket in the Collection of the Virginia Historical Society,(1997.191.6.2) prov. John & Suse Field

Werner John Jacob Hagerstown MA

John Jacob WernerbookbinderHagerstownMassachusetts 1.1. (1798) native of Germany Was naturalized in Washington Co. Maryland onJanuary 1798


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