Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
Last NameFirst NameBbinder Company/Org NameCityStateResearch TextDate Last ModifiedDate CreatedOld Import IDImage 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
Wesby Joseph H. Wor. MA

![Wesby.jpg][1] WesbyBookbinderMain Street, opposite the Head of CentralWorcesterMassachusetts   1.1. Joseph Wesby was born Feb,18,1818 in Philadelphia. Learned bookbinding atLippincott and later moved to Boston and worked at the Bradley Bindery. In1843 he moved to Worcester and worked at Hutchinson & Crosby.  By 1845 he wasin business for himself  Franklin Pierce Rice, “Worcester of Eighteen Hundredand Ninety-eight”, pg.793.2.Burnside Building. ibid3. (1846)  J. S. Westby, 102 Main Street. “This establishment is chieflydevoted to rebinding old books, periodicals & co.”the Barre Patriot,Barre, MAFeb. 26, 1847.4.1860. 387 Main street.”Worcester of Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-eight”,pg.793.Image collection of ABM 000160 prov. TJ.   [1]: /media/attachments/bbdir_entry/353/Wesby.jpg (Wesby)

West David Boston MA

David WestBookbinder and Stationer36 Marlborough StreetBostonMassachusetts ( 1789) 1.1. (1789) Boston City Directory, pg. 44.(same listing in 1796)(not listed in1789)2. (1798) Bookseller and Stationer. No. 56 Cornhill. Boston City Directory.3. (1800) Bookseller. Boston City Directory4. 56 Cornhill, Publishing and Bookselling. Native of Boston. Oliver C.Greenleaf, his former  apprentice,  would become his partner, about 1800.Joseph T. Buckingham, Annals of the Charitable Mechanic Association, pg 35.5. (1803) West & Greenleaf. Booksellers and Stationer, no. 56 Cornhill. BostonCity Directory6. (1805) Bookseller. 56 Cornhill. Boston City Directory, pg.131.same listingin 1806, 077. (1809) house Wiltshire street. Boston City Directory.8. 1813) West & Blake, Booksellers, Cornhill. Boston City Directory. 9. (1816)no listing for David West no listing for a Blake, bookseller

West John& co. Boston MA

John WestBookseller (and Binder)BostonMassachusetts 1. 1. (1806) “Journeyman Bookbinder, Wanted to hire a Journeyman Bookbinder onethat is a good workman, and who can come recommended for steady habits andsobriety, will meet good encouragement by applying at the Bookstore of JohnWest and Co, Boston P. S.  For Sale at the above store-1000 Sheepskinssuitable for Bookbinding.” Independent Chronicle Boston Sept, 6 , 1810

West S. Stillman Portland ME

S. Stillman WestBookbinderson of Samuel West . died Portland ME., in 1881**Salem Imprints 1768- 1825, by Harriet Silvester Tapley pgs 211-212

West Samuel Salem MA

Samuel WestBookbinder, Paper-rulerEssex Street (several locations) 1807-1819 &1821-1835SalemMassSee Tapley page 205 for dispute with Thomas Prince bookbinderb. 1783 d.Nov.26 18511. “advertised ‘ ruling machine that will cross rule faint lines and red linesto any pattern that may be wanted, equal to the English ruling’ ” advertisediron spring backs. Salem Imprints 1768- 1825, by Harriet Silvester Tapley pgs 209-211 * Salem Imprints 1768- 1825, by Harriet Silvester Tapley pgs  209-211. Tapley gives an accounting of the binders tools that West advertisedfor sale at his house on Lynde street.(1809) has removed opposite Mrs Gilman’s Essex street. Essex Register, Salem,July, 19, 1809.(1818) “Samuel West, Having sold his whole stock in Trade and expectingshortly to leave town… For Sale A set of Bookbinder’s Tools complete for thebusiness viz. 1 Standing Press,3 Cutting Presses, 2, Shaving Tubs, 1 pairlarge Shears, 1 set Polishers, Several handsome Gilding,Rolls, 1 set brassLetters 1 brass Type Case, Types, 1 Gilding Cushion, knife do, Backing Irons,1 Iron Stove, a Marbling Brushes, and other articles  too numerous to mention.Any person who will purchase the whole together may have them on veryreasonable terms.” Essex Register, Salem Aug. 19, 1818.2. (1819-1821) John D. Wilson Jr. took control of the business . ibid3. (1822) ” Samuel West …carries on the Book-Binding business in all itsvarious branches.”Essex Register, Salem, March, 9, 18224. (1828) corner Liberty and Essex. Bookbinder and Blank-book manufacturer.Salem Gazette, Aug. 8, 1828.5. (1838) No. 20, North street. Salem Gazette, July 13, 1838.


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