Total Records Found: 3085, showing 5 per page
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Williams Charles Dover NH

Charles WilliamsBookbinderDoverNew Hampshire 1.1. (1849) Mercantile Union, Business Directory for New England, pg. 76.

Williams Edward C. Harrisburg PA

Edward C. Williams   see: Clyde & WilliamsBookbinder and Retail MerchantHarrisburgPennsylvania 1.1. b, 1829, d. 1900, “A Veteran of  both the Mexican and the Civil Wars,Williams attained the ranks of  Colonel and Brigadier General respectively .”Edward C. Williams Family Papers. Pennsylvania Historical & MuseumCommission, Civil War Holdings.2. The following information was accompanying an image that was offered to themuseum. The source is unknown and hence uncredited.  “EDWARD CHARLES WILLIAMS,son of Charles and Rebecca (Adams) Williams, was born February 10,1820, in thecity of Philadelphia. His father was a native of Philadelphia; his mother, ofMount Holly, N. J. The son learned the trade of a bookbinder with JacobSnyder, completing it with Robert P. Desilver. He shortly after came toHarrisburg, where he established himself in business, firm of Clyde &Williams, bookbinders and stationers. For several years they did the Statebinding and also published several important works. In December, 1846, uponthe call for volunteers for the war with Mexico, Mr. Williams raised a companycalled the Cameron Guards, which were accepted and formed a part of the SecondPennsylvania regiment. Previous to going to Mexico he had been connectedseveral years with the old Dauphin Guards, one of the finest militaryorganizations in the State, and was in service during the Philadelphia riotsof 1844. Upon Captain Williams’ return from Mexico he was elected as anIndependent, in 1850, to the office of sheriff of Dauphin county, serving thefull term. When the Rebellion broke out and a demand was made for more troops,Governor Curtin sent for General Williams, who had been commissioned severalyears prior brigadier general of the Dauphin county militia, and at oncedirected the organization of Camp Curtin. After organizing Camp Curtin, heorganized Camp Slifer, at Chambersburg. He commanded a brigade during thethree months’ service, was with Patterson in the Shenandoah, and subsequentlymustered out at Washington city. He was then appointed by President Lincoln,through Secretary of War Cameron, colonel of the Lochiel  cavalry, directed toraise twenty-four companies of that branch of the service, which heaccomplished in a very short time. It was difficult to handle three battalionsof raw cavalry, but by hard work General Williams got his command intosplendid discipline and drill. He went into camp at Jeffersonville, Ind.,where he exchanged his Pennsylvania horses for good Kentucky stock. Afterinspection by General Buford, he was ordered to the front under General Buell.On reaching Green River, and when ready to cross the stream, General Williamswas directed to take the advance, but the same evening the news of the captureof Fort Donelson obviating that movement, he was ordered back, and his commandcut up and distributed over Kentucky and Tennessee. His own regiment, theNinth cavalry, became very popular in that section with all classes of people,owing to their good discipline and behavior. General Williams was at Hendersonwith his regiment when Buell and Bragg made their march into Kentucky, wasordered to Louisville without delay, and from thence to Crab Orchard, where heprevented Kirby Smith’s cavalry from entering Kentucky at that point. Owing,however, to a question of rank, in which not only he but the other officers inthe volunteer service were concerned, he pre-emptorily resigned and returnedto Pennsylvania. He was twice married; first, January 16, 1843, to Selina,daughter of John Heltzel, of Harrisburg; second, June 5, 1873, at Chapman,Pa., to Mrs. A. E. Hetzel”.

Williams G. W. G. Boaton MA

G. W. G. WilliamsBookbinder26 SchoolBostonMassachusetts, 1852. 1.1. Boston Directory, 1852, Adams. also: Massachusetts Register for the year1853, George Adams.George W. G. WilliamsBookbinderh. Reed’s CourtRoxbury Directory

Williams John Cincinnati OH

John WilliamsBookbinderHopples AlleyCincinnati.Ohio. (1829) 1.1. 1829 Cincinnati City Directory.

Williams John B. New Durham NJ

John B. WilliamsBookbinder & FarmerNew DurhamNew Jersey, (1850’s)b.Dec. 15, 1836 New Durham was a bookbinder and farmer until 1864 when hestopped bookbinding.1. Full bio. and photographat:  Genealogical History  of Hudson and BergenCounties NJ. pg 367-369.


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